Hindu Head Quarter

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Purpose / Aim

About Us.

At Hindu Headquarters, our mission is to unite, uplift, and educate Hindus from all walks of life under one banner. With our motto, ' One Command from One Place', we aim to unite, uplift, share knowledge, and preserve our rich heritage.

Many Hindus need more exposure and guidance to answer basic questions about Sanatan Dharma. Knowledge hasn’t been consistently passed down by our religious leaders, priests/gurus/pandits, parents, or through our education system. Meanwhile, the younger generation is increasingly disengaged, and focused on academics and careers, both in India and abroad.

To secure a bright future, we need to come together —through education, communication, and social media. We are committed to bringing Hindus together through get-togethers, seminars, and events that will help us connect, share knowledge, and support one another. Our efforts will include creating resources like magazines, and books and expanding our reach through libraries, schools, meditation centers, temples, training centers, and more.

This is the beginning of our journey to build a unified, safe, and bright future for Hindus under One Command from One Place—Hindu Headquarters. Together, we build our community and celebrate our culture and values for generations to come.